

Blossoming Minds Counseling, LLC provides virtual counseling sessions only at this time. By offering virtual counseling we are eliminating the hassle of commuting, looking/paying for parking, and providing you with services right in the comfort of your own home on your computer. That means we are able to conveniently serve Maryland/D.C. residents no matter what part of the State or District you live in!


Individual counseling session

50 minute sessioNs

  • $140 / session

Free initial 15 minute consultation upon request. 

We accept visa, mastercard, amex & discover. Please inquire about insurance accepted.

No Surprise Act | Good Faith Estimate 

Under the No Surprise Act, Out of Network providers are required to give clients who don't have insurance or who are not using insurance, an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. Beginning in 2022, Blossoming Minds Counseling, LLC will provide you with a written Good Faith Estimate before your first session with your therapist. 

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit